LightBox Capital Management
Latest statistics and disclosures from LightBox Capital Management, LLC*'s latest quarterly 13F-HR filing:
- Reduced shares in these 10 stocks: T, SO, , CenturyLink, JNJ, COP, BAX, Alcoa, ABT, TGT.
- Sold out of its positions in AFL, T, AU Optronics, ABT, Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Fund, Abraxas Petroleum, Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Aeropostale, Affymetrix, APD.
- LightBox Capital Management, LLC* was a net seller of stock by $-177M.
- Central Index Key (CIK): 0001513875
Portfolio Holdings for LightBox Capital Management, LLC*
LightBox Capital Management, LLC* holds 0 positions in its portfolio as reported in the March 2012 quarterly 13F filing
Sorry, no holdings found in LightBox Capital Management, LLC* 13F-HR filing.
Past Filings by LightBox Capital Management, LLC*
SEC 13F filings are viewable for LightBox Capital Management, LLC* going back to 2010
- LightBox Capital Management, LLC* 2012 Q1 filed May 15, 2012
- LightBox Capital Management 2011 Q4 filed Feb. 10, 2012
- LightBox Capital Management 2011 Q3 filed Nov. 14, 2011
- LightBox Capital Management 2011 Q2 filed Aug. 15, 2011
- LightBox Capital Management 2011 Q1 filed May 6, 2011
- LightBox Capital Management 2010 Q4 filed Feb. 24, 2011