Spruce Private Investors

Latest statistics and disclosures from Spruce Investment Advisors's latest quarterly 13F-HR filing:

  • Top 5 stock holdings are VWO, EMGF, ISCF, IEFA, BKF, and represent 45.24% of Spruce Investment Advisors's stock portfolio.
  • Added to shares of these 1 stock: ISCF.
  • Reduced shares in these 10 stocks: MUB, IEFA, XLK, MTUM, VLUE, VFH, DBEU, IVLU, VPU, BKF.
  • Sold out of its positions in IYH, IYF, MUB, XLRE, VT, VDC, VHT, VIS, VGT, VAW.
  • Spruce Investment Advisors was a net seller of stock by $-5.6M.
  • Spruce Investment Advisors has $49M in assets under management (AUM), dropping by -6.42%.
  • Central Index Key (CIK): 0001542179

Portfolio Holdings for Spruce Investment Advisors

Spruce Investment Advisors holds 23 positions in its portfolio as reported in the December 2017 quarterly 13F filing

Company (Ticker) Portfolio Weight Valued At Change in Shares Share Count Share Price
Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF (VWO) 15.9 $7.7M 168k 45.91
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Ishares Inc factorselect msc (EMGF) 11.0 $5.3M -2% 108k 49.48
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Ishares Tr msci int smlcp (ISCF) 7.3 $3.6M +8% 110k 32.45
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Ishares Core Msci Eafe Etf core msci eafe (IEFA) 6.0 $2.9M -13% 44k 66.09
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iShares MSCI BRIC Index Fund (BKF) 5.0 $2.4M -6% 55k 44.49
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Ishares Tr int dev mom fc (IMTM) 4.9 $2.4M -3% 78k 30.51
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Ishares Tr Msci Usa Momentum Factor (MTUM) 4.9 $2.4M -11% 23k 103.14
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iShares Dow Jones EPAC Sel Div Ind (IDV) 4.9 $2.4M -2% 70k 33.80
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Ishares Tr msci usavalfct (VLUE) 4.9 $2.4M -10% 28k 83.61
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Ishares Tr dev val factor (IVLU) 4.8 $2.3M -7% 88k 26.43
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Technology SPDR (XLK) 4.5 $2.2M -16% 34k 63.96
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Vanguard Utilities ETF (VPU) 4.4 $2.1M -7% 18k 116.61
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Vanguard Financials ETF (VFH) 4.3 $2.1M -10% 30k 70.03
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Dbx Trackers db xtr msci eur (DBEU) 3.3 $1.6M -11% 57k 28.41
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iShares Dow Jones US Health Care (IHF) 2.4 $1.2M -8% 7.5k 156.79
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Health Care SPDR (XLV) 2.0 $956k -9% 12k 82.64
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Vanguard Consumer Discretionary ETF (VCR) 1.6 $790k -8% 5.1k 155.88
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Consumer Staples Select Sect. SPDR (XLP) 1.5 $747k -7% 13k 56.86
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Industrial SPDR (XLI) 1.5 $740k -8% 9.8k 75.68
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Vanguard Telecommunication Services ETF (VOX) 1.5 $730k -5% 8.0k 91.12
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Materials SPDR (XLB) 1.5 $729k -9% 12k 60.56
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Vanguard REIT ETF (VNQ) 1.3 $617k -8% 7.4k 83.02
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Financial Select Sector SPDR (XLF) 0.7 $315k -4% 11k 27.95
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Past Filings by Spruce Investment Advisors

SEC 13F filings are viewable for Spruce Investment Advisors going back to 2012

View all past filings