Who owns Ubs Ag London Brh etracs ubs bloom?

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Top investors of Ubs Ag London Brh etracs ubs bloom stock

Who bought or sold Ubs Ag London Brh etracs ubs bloom this quarter?

Fund or Company Name Shares Held Valued At Change in Shares As Of Actions
Legacy Wealth Asset Management 123k $3.2M 1% Dec 2024
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Envestnet Asset Management 119k $3.1M 5% Dec 2024
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RHS Financial 114k $2.9M 4% Dec 2024
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Susquehanna International 23k $602k -11% Dec 2024
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Bruce G. Allen Investments 17k $426k 0% Dec 2024
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Fisher Investments 14k $355k 0% Dec 2024
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CI Private Wealth 10k $265k 0% Dec 2024
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Morgan Stanley 661.00 $17k 0% Dec 2024
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Jpmorgan Chase & Co 180.00 $4.6k 0% Dec 2024
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Who sold out of Ubs Ag London Brh etracs ubs bloom?

Fund or Company Name Date Sold Shares Held Valued At
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Sep 2024 24k $627k