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Top investors of Federated Hermes Etf Trust stock

Who bought or sold FEDERATED HERMES ETF TRUST this quarter?

Fund or Company Name Shares Held Valued At Change in Shares As Of Actions
Jane Street 86k $2.0M 100% Dec 2024
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WFA of San Diego 63k $1.5M 100% Sep 2024
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Cambridge Investment Research Advisors 48k $1.1M 100% Dec 2024
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Pine Valley Investments Ltd Liability 33k $775k 255% Sep 2024
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Davenport & Co 17k $381k 100% Dec 2024
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Hilltop Holdings 14k $310k 0% Dec 2024
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Envestnet Asset Management 13k $290k 39% Dec 2024
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Mml Investors Services 9.0k $206k 100% Dec 2024
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Advisor Group Holdings 1.1k $26k -96% Dec 2024
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Steward Partners Investment Advisory 430.00 $9.9k 100% Dec 2024
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Capital Analysts 339.00 $8.0k 0% Dec 2024
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SWAN Capital 50.00 $1.1k 100% Dec 2024
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Morgan Stanley 1.00 $31.000000 0% Dec 2024
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Who sold out of Federated Hermes Etf Trust?

Fund or Company Name Date Sold Shares Held Valued At
Federated Investors Sep 2024 774k $18M
UBS Group Sep 2024 23.00 $531.999200